Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Drawing golfers to your tournament

You've decided to take the plunge and host a golf tournament for your next fundraising project. Great idea, right? What next? How will you get golfers to the tournament? Where will you find sponsors and for that matter, where will you find volunteers to help you out with your event?

It is a daunting task -- putting together any kind of tournament, but there is help out there for anyone looking to either take their tournament to the next level or if you're looking to jump into the fray and start your own tournament.

You can sign up at the GTAA website to become a member and with membership comes perks! You will have access to our weekly newsletter that offers hints and tips on how to best run your tournament, you will have access to our teleconference calls and also with membership comes an information packet we have put together to help you have the best tournament you can.